We support the implementation of Project Based Learning for your classes.

CEO Yanagisawa has been involved in PBL classes as a teacher and staff member.

Keio Futsubu
Atmark Inter-High School
Tokyo Metropolitan Toyama High School: Information Technology Department, Super Science High School
Tama Art University: Faculty of Art and Design Department of Information Design
Kyorin University: Department of Applied Communication
Kanto Gakuin University: of Engineering, Department of Information, Network and Media Engineering, Video Creation Course / Department of Science and Engineering, Video Creation Course
Tokyo Woman’s University: Career English Island
Ferris University: International Exchange, Department of International Exchange
Jissen Women’s Junior College, Jissen Women’s University:
Examples of involvement in social and non-profit activities

Shibaura Tech Junior and Senior High School
Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School
Science Partnership Project (Seigakuin Junior & Senior High School, Toyonan High School, Matsuyama Girls’ High School)
Projects received as a company

Abiko Nikaido High School: School Publicity Video Production PBL”

Based on the above experience, we can support you in implementing PBL in your middle and high school college. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact us below.

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