NGK Ltd. (Nippon Genki-ka Keikaku) asked our CEO, Tomio Yanagisawa, to deliver a 3-hour SDGs online workshop on the afternoon of Friday 12 March 2021.
The ammonia business as a storage battery for hydrogen energy is attracting attention in the energy industry these days. The seminar was attended by executives from regional energy companies with a keen interest in corporate management in the age of the SDGs, which calls for a balance between profit and social contribution, “from equity capitalism to stakeholder capitalism”. As the event was online, it was a valuable opportunity to hear and think together about the challenges faced by participants from diverse regions such as Aomori, Morioka, Ishinomaki, Kamaishi and Chikushi.
The workshop began with a presentation on the sustainability initiatives of Echigo Natural Gas, based on an interview we had recently conducted with the company.
At the workshop, we first sorted out the relationship between the SDGs and our company, while keeping in mind the recycling symbiosis model using eco-money encouraged by the government, and then discussed the image of a new business based on local recycling that our company can do using the SDGs. The discussion was based on the assumption that the participants would form teams to set up new businesses.
The strength of a local energy company is that it is rooted in the community. We were united in the direction of making both the company and the community sustainable by working with the community and further expanding the circle from there. At the end of the day, it was a pleasant result that the energy company spontaneously came up with the phrase “a project to support the children who are the future”.
We support the “bottom-up SDGs education” promoted by companies together with local residents and children. Starting with this one, we’ll be delivering SDGs workshops to energy companies all over the country!
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