Tag: NEC
NEC Wisdom English Version 03:The front lines of educational reform – What kind of education in an AI era?
https://wisdom.nec.com/en/business/2018031501/index.html The front lines of educational reform – What kind of education in an AI era? Creating environments where children can learn safely Using ICT to give all children opportunities to learn STEM+A=STEAM – For children of today who will support tomorrow
NEC Wisdom English Version 02: Mobility Innovation transforming society from the ground up
https://wisdom.nec.com/en/business/2018031502/index.html Regional revitalization and mobility The diversification of new urban transportation ICT to support safe and secure movement
NEC Wisdom English Version 01: Peace Tech-ICT for Peace
https://wisdom.nec.com/en/business/2018031503/index.html Peace Tech – ICT for Peace Using ICT to analyze and prevent conflicts Eliminating inequality through improved IT literacy Ringing the bells of peace from Japan to the world
NEC Wisdom Interview Article: AFP CEO EMMANUEL HOOG talks about The Future of Media
English Version Interview Article of AFP Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Emmanuel Hoog. https://wisdom.nec.com/en/business/2017122601/index.html